Our first activity at Treetopia was a guided tour of the Hanging Bridges.

The first thing that they showed us on the tour was the emergency Costa Rican toilet paper, a soft plant with shocking resemblance to (prepare to be shocked), toilet paper. We also saw a plant which smells like pepper and it was used to make pepper — I know, shocking right? Anyway, you had to kind of mash it into pieces in your hand for the smell to be strong. So that’s the hanging bridges themselves. But there’s one thing about it, the bridges we went to only 2 of the bridges hung in one piece without any additional support under the bridge.

The bridges were actually really wobbly(kind of figured that). My mom absolutely hated that aspect of the bridge. I found a way to wobble it even more because of the balance offset.

Next, the TreeTram, and the ZipLine.

First we went to get our zipline gear, then we did the safety demonstration. After that we boarded the tram that would take us to the first part of our zipline tour. We did the first one together, and the next and the one after that. And the rest of them we did individually. It was so fun to be able to just go and zoom above the forest. 

The longest one was the last one, it was 2500 ft long!!!

Fast forward to around 6:00pm. It’s time for the night walk in the jungle! The walk was really long so I’ll tell you what we saw and a fun fact about each one. 

  1. Mot-Mot bird: Curls into a ball to keep warm, they will leave one leg out and switch every 2 or so hours.
  2. Stick insect: Females have the ability to change colors and hide from predators
  3. Crickets: Crickets don’t have lungs
  4. Sloth: Very well camouflaged and slow
  5. Viper: It’s one of the most venomous snake species in the world
  6. Owl: They don’t ask who, they say who-OOO

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